17 January 2009

Bienvenue a Paris!

So, I am here. My flight went just fine, thank you, and my appartement is just lovely. It is full of old colors like mustard carpets and baby blue faux-finished walls, but that just adds to its charm. My bed is quite cozy and I have lots of space, plus a private shower.

Mes hôtes (hosts) are M. Daniel et Mme. Andree Leonard, and they are super nice. M. Leonard picked me up at the airport, which was even more nice considering he had to wait for me as our flight was delayed a bit, and barely said anything about it other than that he was glad he found me.

We drove back and talked (and by talked I mean M. Leonard talked and I mostly said things like "Ah bon?" and "Oui") about his family, how Franco-American relations have improved since Sarko & (in three days!!!) Obama, my croisière (SAS), and the stuff we passed by, like the Arab market and the Moulin Rouge. Their apartment is in the 9th arrondissement, in the Pigalle-Montmartre area. There is a whole host of sex shops and porn palaces right down the street, but our little corner is très précieux.

Every Saturday, their 14-year-old granddaughter comes to stay with them, which is really sweet. We all had a nice lunch of fresh baguette, paté (which is an acquired taste I have yet to acquire, unfortunately), pasta, and chicken...I was so nervous that I didn't really eat much.

On that topic, everything here is great, but I really miss home. I know it's just the whole getting used to being in a new place that doesn't speak your language thing, but being away with SAS made me realize how close I am to my family and my home, and it was hard to leave. I think once classes get started and I get settled into ma vie quotidienne, I will feel better. Right now I feel sort of lost in the abyss, especially having missed my orientation and having a wide open day tomorrow to do with as I please.

And that's that. I'm here, I am doing my damndest to bring back all that high school French learnins, and I will keep you updated as my life progresses.

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