16 August 2008

Lesson Three: How to Be Incredulous

I absolutely cannot believe I'm doing this. I can tell as many people as I want, get the shots, do the paperwork, but it still does not change the fact that it is difficult to fathom me, on a ship, living there and then getting off in ten countries that I've barely even considered actually visiting.
This trip fulfills not one but several life goals. I will be canoeing in the Amazon, tracking elephants in a Namibian Jeep, taking a high-speed train all over Japan, and standing on the Great Wall. There is so much history in so many places other than the small New England world I've known so far.
I'm excited to wake up, go outside and be greeted by nothing but ocean. I'm excited to not only learn and hear about but actually see firsthand the cultural, political and socioeconomic climates of ten very different countries. I'm excited to buy everyone's Christmas and birthday presents- if you want something from a particular country, make sure you tell me! Basically, I'm just really excited.
I'm sure I'll get a little scared once I am on the ship, sailing away from the comfort and ease of my "normal" life, and when it hits me that I won't see anyone I've previously known for 3.5 months, but right now? I'm loving the idea of an experience that is completely new.


rejetefrancaise said...

I am wicked excited for our dual adventures and respective adventure blogs :P We can share stories from opposite corners of the world, haha.

DJ Capobianco said...

Not only am I excited for (both of) you, I'm stoked to know I'm not the only one who had to watch Voyage of the Mi-Mi.

People Who Blog and Care About My Thoughts on Things