30 April 2009

Okay, it's offish (that's an abbrev for 'official', not "sort of off"). I SUCK at blogging when I don't live on a ship. I think it's just because life is more stable here. Am I too easily enmeshed in the de riguer-ness of life to appreciate the fact that I am living in Paris? Perhaps. But I am definitely starting to realize that I am almost DONE living in Paris.

This frightens me. I've effectively taken a year off of school- I've taken classes, but they're almost all elective and non-related to my Ad major- and I've been constantly bombarded by external stimuli. When I get home, there'll certainly be time to revel in all that I've missed (West Main Pizza, Newport Athletic Club, Sachuest Point to name a few) and spend hours in my hot tub catching up with my favorites, some of which have now graduated (!!).

I don't feel like writing any more. Perhaps I shall continue to post some catch-up bits later. For now, I'm going to read the blogs of other people in my program and compare my experience to theirs. I may or may not have a competitive streak.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Is it bad that I read "offish" as an abbreviation before you actually clarified that it was?

p.s. I love you.

People Who Blog and Care About My Thoughts on Things